Name: (Characters Name, self explannatory.)
Age: (Age of your character. Keep in mind insane ages for races like humans like 88 will mean your character
won't be at full power. So, when choosing your age keep it reality based.)
Race: (Pick the race that you would like your character to be and keep in mind it determines a lot of
things about them. Check out the races/transformations page for help on picking the one you want.)
Physical Description/Picture: (Post a well-written description of your character then also post a link
to a page containing your picture. Keep it appropiate and please don't use a "revealing" picture.)
Alignment: ("Saint", Good, Neutral, Bad, "Evil". The reason why Saint and Evil are in quotes is
because you cannot start out with one of those alignments. To either go up or down on the alignment scale, your character
must perform certain acts of good or evil to advance or decrease to the next level.)
Character Statistics:
Energy Level: (Represents your characters power. Basic for used for transforming and judgement of how to fight
others. When joining this doesn't count as a regular stat so don't waste your stat points into this.)
Concentration: (This is your most important stat for damaging because it represents how much damage you deal
when attacking with energy based moves.)
Physical Strength: (This stat is used to determine the damage your character deals to another character when
punching, kicking, and all other physical attacks.)
Vitality: (This stat determines how much health your character has, so basically the higher this is the more
health your character has.)
History: (A brief history of your character that basically shows your characters personality development
and past events of their lives that have led up to the current moment in time.)
Starting Abilities: (When you join this rpg you are allowed to create a custom ability or skill. Look
at Rules/Guildelines page for help.)
Custom Items: (If your character has any custom items that are really essential to them post them here.
Please keep them original and if I get too many people with the same kind of weapon like everyone having a sword I will be
temporarily denying that type of item until it's becomes less populated.)
Character Personality: (Any attributes of your characters personality that are essential for others
to know when rping with your character should go here. For example things like if you character is shy, humorous, laidback,
angry, all those things.)