Generation Beta


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Generation Beta
Battle Room

These are the rules and guildelines that are reccomended for anyone who wants to join the rpg.

General Rules
(1) No Cursing/Flaming at all. Cursing is allowed to a mininum when rping in character and in character only!
(2) When posting on the message board keep everything in it's respectable place. For instance out of character chat will go in the out of character area.
(3) "NO" advertising or conversating about other sites in the Battle Room or Message Boards at ALL! Especially links of XXX Adult Sites or other immature and stupid sites.
Joining Rules
(1) When making a character please run it through a spell check and make sure the grammar is proper too, a little slip up here and there is allowed but if an admin/mod can't even read through it your applicaiton will not be accepted.
(2) The character name must be appropiate and original. Names like Goku, Sephiroth, and other familiar and unoriginal names will not be accepted. Other names that aren't allowed are things that are immature and innapropiate. If this name rule is broken your character will be removed from the rpg until a new and mature name is decided upon.
(3) When making your character do "NOT" use Unknown for your characters history. This shows us that you can't apply originality and have no rping skills therefore you shall be removed from the rpg until a new history is posted.
(4) Your character starts out with 25 stat points, distribute them into eath statistic as you see fit yet remember to keep a well balanced character.
(5) When your ready post your joining application on the message boards.
Energy Level: This isn't a regular stat but as said on the joining page used to represent how strong your character is and determine when they can reach certain level of transformations. Starts at 1,000.
Concentration: This stat is used to determine two things. How much damage your basic blast does and which moves you can learn. For every 5 stat points in this stat it goes up by 100. At 100 a simple blast that everyone starts with can deal 20 damage. As this stat progresses from one hundred to the next hundred each ki blast that you use does +5 more damage than the original blast. Meaning at 100 you shoot one and it does 20 damage, at 200 it would do 25 damage.
Physical Strength: This stat is used to determine how much damage that you deal when attacking physically. For every 5 stat points in this stat it goes up by 50. At 50 all attacks deal 15 damage, then when progressing this stat all damage is increased by +5 so when attacking someone now with 100 physical strength you'd deal 20 damage.
Vitality: Your maximum health starts at 300. For every 5 points put into this stat your character gains another 50 health.
Custom Ability Guideline
(1) Keep them original and make sure that they are well defined and can be easily understood. If your custom ability has a strange effect on you, yourself, or someone else make sure to say what it is and how it works. When you join simply post the description of your custom ability and then one of the owners will modify it for its damage and/or effects.
(2) At the beginning of each month your character will be able to create a new move. Also old custom abilities will be enhanced.
(3) You can only learn one move at a time!
(1) If your character is killed this list will determine how long your dead for.
Quest: 1 Day
Mini-Quest: 2 Days
Tournament: 2 Days
No Special Event: 3 Days

(2) No one can be killed unless an owner/co-owner is their to approve of the battle. During a quest or mini-quest anyone can kill anyone at any moment. If it's a tournmanet it will be determined on wether or not its a duel to the death or just till KO. If no special event is active a owner/co-owner will have to approve of any decision of death.
(3) While dead your soul still wanders the planet yet is unable to spar with a living player. Basically only dead people can interact with other dead people, other than communicating which can still be done with both living and dead members.
(4) If a character is dead when a quest is about to begin they will instantly be revived. However I severely stress the point of not dying within the time of a quest/mini-quest. If a tournament is taking place the member will "not" be revived unless by another ally using an ability to ressurect them.
Sparring/Training/Learning Moves
(1) Learning Moves: Pretty basic, if learning a move your character will have to wait the designated time before they have learned that move. Also, a character cannot train while they are learning that move. Only sparring, questing, and participating in tournaments are allowed while learning moves.
(2) Sparring: When sparring with another character you are simply having a friendly fight unless an owner/co-owner have allowed it to become a deathmatch. If it's a regular duel both members have to obey the rules.
(3) Training: A big way to become stronger in this rpg will involve you training. Training is done solo meaning no other people. While training the same rule applies with learning moves meaning you can't learn some moves. You are only allowed to do 3 types of trainings a day.
(4) For all of the above post your updates on the message board and an owner/co-owner will update it ASAP.
(5) If sparring with another dead member or training while dead you will gain a +1 increase to the stat/s being trained.
~Rewards Chart~
Name                        Time                              Rewards
Sparring                     5 Min.                             +3 Points to all stats.               
Weight Training          5 Min.                             +5 Points to Physical Strength  
Meditating                  5 Min.                             +5 Points to Concentration      
Endurance Training     5 Min.                             +5 Points to Vitality                
Power Training           10 Min.                            +2.5 to Energy Level