If you are interested in learning one of these abilities look into the [ ] box right after the name to see how long it
will take to learn.
*NOTE* Demon's ability to learn things one day quicker doesn't apply to these 1 day abilities or attacks, you still need
a day to learn them.
*NOTE* Any moves that increase a persons damage in a certain category DO NOT stack.
Super Reflexes: [1 Day] The user has super reflexes that allows them to make decisions quicker and dodge and/or attack
much easier and quicker.
Hover: [1 Day] The user has the ability to hover a few feet in the air.
Scan: [1 Day] (Cybords and Androids only) The user can sense all nearby people's positions and their energy level.
Sense: [1 Day] The user concentrates to sense everyones and everythings position.
Basic Martial Arts: [1 Day] The user has basic martial art skills which help a lot in hand to hand combat. Every melee
attack does +3 damage.
Super Jump: [2 Days] The person can jump extremely high distances which is extremely useful when tyring to catch a flying
Flight: [2 Days] (Requires Hover) The person can take off in flight when ever they please and can fly at really fast speeds.
Minor Heal: [2 Days] The user can heal 40 health points. The user cannot be under attack when using this and it won't work
on anyone that is knocked out.
Crane Style Martial Arts: [3 Days] (Requires Basic Martial Arts) An ancient style of martial arts based on a pure defensive
stance. Every melee attack does +5 damage.
Self-Repair: [3 Days] (Androids/Cyborgs only) Repairs limbs and/or any other damaged parts. Can only repair medium and
small damages, severe things can only be treated.
Clones: [3 Days] The user can create up to 3 clones of themselves. These clones all have 1/3 of the users stats and disappear
after their health is depleted.
Super-Speed: [4 Days] The users developed an extreme inhumane speed that allows them dodge a lot of attacks unless the
other opponent has Super-Speed too.
Fusion: [5 Days] (Requires Both Users To Have This Move & They Both must be the same race unless a hybrid one like
human and human/demon.) The extremely powerful ability ot fuse two bodies into one, even their personalities. Last for 1 hour
and after that cannot be used until the next day. Both Energy Levels added together and all stats added together as well.
Mass-Cloning: [5 Days] (Requires Clones) The user can create up to 12 clones of themselves all with 1/4 of his stats. The
clones will disappear after their health is depleted.