Gallet Canon: Keero grabs hold of his right arm then begins to charge an extreme amount of energy into it. After
charging it enough Keero unleashes a flurry of blast towards the opponent. Damage: 5 shots, 5 damage per shot
~ Nakagawa Yosuke~
Kiryoku: A simple move involving the focus of energy into the center of Yosuke's being, it can then be channeled
into a blast of energy, a healing spell (only when charged for a large amount of time), or a repelling shield. Simply put,
the more energy that is put into this, the stronger it will become, at cost of more of the user's energy. Damage:
25 or Heals: 15(Anyone that it is used on) or Shield: Absorbs 5 Hits.
Energy Grenade: Oronuke channels energy into his fist until enough is powered up he can create an Energy Grenade.
When thrown this grenade explodes upon contact dealing decent damage to a wide-radius. Damage: 25
Enraged Inferno Blast: A fiery blast of red energy that shoots out of his hands when he gets mad. This
tecnique was taught to him by his master Dal-Ongorey but was warned only to use this technique in drastic situations.
Damage: 25
~Xiuhtonal Asvoria~
Chatoic Wave: Xiuhtonal developed her own special technique where she manipulated surrounding water or created some
herself then charged negative chi energy into it creating a dark wave that could devastate anyone in its path. Damage: